Alamofire 是一款优雅的Swift HTTP网络库
#IOS#A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
#IOS#🌀swift async http client - fast, lightweight, type-safe
🌩 Simple HTTP network abstraction layer written in Swift
HttpUtility is an open source MIT license project which is helpful in making HTTP requests and returns a decoded object from server. Right now this utility only parses JSON.
#IOS#Pure Swift implementation of the OAuth 1.0 protocol as an easy to use extension for the URLRequest type. (RFC-5849)
#IOS#A tutorial project for the network layer with swift protocols/generics in #SwiftCairo talk
#IOS#🌐 A tiny http client for iOS and macOS. Only 80 lines of code.
Provides an easy way to manage namespace of multiple URL endpoints in Swift.
A type-safe, high-level networking solution for Swift apps
Comprehensive and modular Swift library for API design.
#IOS#[iOS/swift]封装自Alamofire及HandyJSON的网络请求库。 Network request library with Alamofire and HandyJSON.
Networking framework in Swift
#IOS#Declarative REST API request construction for iOS and macOS
A clean, lightweight framework for making HTTP requests in swift.
#IOS#Swift Networking Library
#IOS#Lightweight HTTP framework adding functionalites to URLSession.
A reactive, lightweight network layer, written in Swift, using Combine