#算法刷题#A Trie implementation in Go meant for auto-completion use cases. Supports Levenshtein distance search.
Succinct Data Structure of Trie, written in Go
Restful Autocomplete service with Neo4j graph backend. Returns top suggestions.
#搜索#Auto Complete / Suggestion feature using Trie data structure
autocomplete function used search engines, spell-checking, text-messengers, etc. Includes a bloom filter that provides memory efficient check of whether an item has been inserted before through the us...
low-level, primitive autocomplete using trie data structure
Implementation of word autocomplete using trie
An implementation of a trie-like data structure using Azure Table Storage to enable type-ahead style searching
A simple implementation of a Trie data structure to auto-complete words.
This Gradle based project written in Java demonstrate implementation of autocomplete suggestions feature (library) similar to as given by Google
#搜索#Auto Complete / Suggestion feature using Trie data structure
Trie Data Structure Implementation for Autocomplete, Dictionary Search
#安全#Projects and Essays from Algorithm Implementation (CS 1501) at University of Pittsburgh
An example program of how to implement a Trie class.
Implementation of Code Auto-Completion and Spell-Checking using Tries and Ternary Tries.
A simple C++ program that uses a trie tree data structure to store words from a dictionary file, and it uses the trie to auto-complete query prefixes.
Implementation of a simple trie data structure, capable of storing strings of lowercase characters.
Generating auto-correction suggestions using keyboard user-input by traversing the suffix trie based on the user input data so far and offering the most-likely string outcome based on a simplistic cou...