StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation for auto-remediation, incident responses, troubleshooting, deployments, and more for DevOps and SREs. Includes rules engine, workflow, 160 i...
翻译 - StackStorm(又称“ IFTTT for Ops”)是事件驱动的自动化,可进行自动修复,安全响应,故障排除,部署等。包括规则引擎,工作流,具有6000多个动作的160个集成包(请参阅和ChatOps。安装程序位于。有什么问题吗。
StackStorm docker-compose deployment
K8s Helm Chart that codifies StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops" Highly Availability fleet as a simple to use reproducible infrastructure-as-code app
Orquesta is a graph based workflow engine for StackStorm. Questions?
Ansible Roles and Playbooks to deploy StackStorm
Vagrant Demo showing ChatOps with Ansible
Dockerfiles used to build and test StackStorm deb/rpm packages
Packaging environment for building StackStorm chatops native packages
CVE-2019-9580 - StackStorm: exploiting CORS misconfiguration (null origin) to gain RCE
StackStorm deb/rpm packages (automated docker build pipeline)
Plugin for serverless framework to run ready to use actions from StackStorm Exchange as AWS Lambda.
Serverless with Swarm, Docker and StackStorm
StackStorm Dockerfiles (one-service-per-container) to build and push images to the StackStorm Docker registry. Used by stackstorm-ha K8s Helm chart and Docker-compose deployments.
Puppet Module to install and configure StackStorm, IFTTT for Ops
#编辑器#DEPRECATED & OBSOLETE! Previously StackStorm Enterprise (EWC) Workflow Editor. Now integrated directly into StackStorm OSS Core platform (st2web).
DEPRECATED! Community-maintained Chef Cookbook to deploy StackStorm, IFTTT for Ops
Packer templates for building & deploying Vagrant & OVA with StackStorm installed
How to automate Junos with NAPALM.