🔐 Lockdoor Framework : A Penetration Testing framework with Cyber Security Resources
翻译 - door Lockdoor框架:具有网络安全资源的渗透测试框架
Collection of Pentest Notes and Cheatsheets from a lot of repos (SofianeHamlaoui,dostoevsky,mantvydasb,adon90,BriskSec)
#安全#Western Digital Decryption tools
ArchI0 : Arch-Based Distros Applications Automatic Installation Script
#网络爬虫#A b-ok.cc Simple Python Scraper
A curated list of awesome Arch-related projects,softwares and resources.
Burp-Addons : Some of Burp Addons I use ( Mindak ak fahem )
Cyber Security Tools Collection that I use
CyberSecCare : A python Twitter that retweets all Security-Related tweets
#网络爬虫#MBS - Massy Boutakus Searcher : An FTP/HTTP Servers Files Seacher
♻️ A Polybar ShowDesktop module (like the Windows one)