Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives.
翻译 - Seatbelt是一个C#项目,它从进攻性和防御性安全角度执行许多面向安全性的主机调查“安全检查”。
#安卓#Situational Awareness Server compatible with TAK clients
FreeTAKServer documentation for end users
AryaOS: An Operating System for Modern Situational Awareness.
Full Featured in-browser TAK Client powered by AWS
Full Featured in-browser TAK Client powered by AWS
#安卓#A3 addon for streaming unit locations to Team Awareness Kit Clients
[ICLR 2025] Official codebase for the ICLR 2025 paper "Multimodal Situational Safety"
Some good feeds for people who seriously want to keep up to date with InfoSec news and tech
Solution that will facilitate the creation of a situational awareness map. (Scroll down for more info.)
SocialSituSecu is a project exploring the social network security, computing and intelligence basd on social situational metadata, which is sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China Gr...
A real-time situational awareness framework for flood impact on road transportation networks.
The application models the airborne situation display system installed in fighter aircrafts
An advanced Situational Awareness and Reconnaissance platform using AI and real-time data fusion for enhanced battlefield intelligence and decision-making.
Enhanced Vision Tool is a utility designed to enhance visibility and provide an optimized experience for users in supported applications. By offering customizable settings and real-time visual adjustm...