CMS Scanner: Scan Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, vBulletin websites for Security issues
翻译 - CMS扫描仪:扫描Wordpress,Drupal,Joomla,vBulletin网站上的安全问题
If you use security-related services and tools such as EWA, SOS, System Recommendations, Configuration Validation, or a security dashboard in SAP Solution Manager, the ABAP reports in this repository ...
Security, Compliance and Informational Dashboard System
This TA takes Suricata5 data from your port mirrored Suricata server and makes it readable within Splunk. See Cheatsheets on how to setup a Suricata Port Mirrored Server
Results: 85/100. A Cyber Security Dashboard made for my COMP1004 University Module. The dashboard reads the data in CSV files and creates tables and graphs to show the admin key information. The secur...