Primary repository for the Trilinos Project
翻译 - Trilinos项目的主要存储库
An open source, Python-based software platform for energy storage simulation and analysis developed by Sandia National Laboratories.
Simplex mesh adaptivity for HPC
TriBITS: Tribal Build, Integrate, and Test System,
Tool Kit for Lagrangian Grid Reconnection
A C++17 library for parser generation for LALR(1) languages
Portably Performant Physical Algebra
A simple, portable package manager for applications
The Probabilistic Grid Reliability Analysis with Energy Storage Systems (ProGRESS) software is a Python-based open-source tool for assessing the resource adequacy of the evolving electric power grid i...
QuESt Planning is a long-term power system capacity expansion planning model that identifies cost-optimal energy storage, generation, and transmission investments and evaluates a broad range of energy...
Open Source MATLAB & Simulink Code for modeling and control of FOSWEC Wave Energy Converter