GitHub do not ban us from open source world :iran:
翻译 - GitHub不禁止我们进入开源世界:iran:
includes domains of the websites that was banned in Iran republic of due to the US sanction
Clone all projects in Gitlab account by group at once.
This is a list of website domains that are not accessible in the Islamic Republic of Iran due to the unjust sanctions of the United States.
This is the repository for the research titled "Heterogeneous Democratization: Elite Politics and Economic Sanctions."
#Awesome#Список SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, и т.п. безопасных отечественных или приземленных сервисов для Российских компаний и разработчиков.
Sanction-Based Regulation Mechanism for Normative Multiagent Systems
Sanction Traffic From Russian and Belarusian IP addresses using Laravel
Easily and quickly clone repositories and gists from anywhere on GitHub!
Sanction Traffic From Russian and Belarusian IP addresses using CloudFront
Sanction Traffic From Russian and Belarusian IP addresses using express.js / connect / nuxt.js