Download and generate EPUB of your favorite books from O'Reilly Learning (aka Safari Books Online) library.
翻译 - 从Safari图书在线图书馆下载并生成您喜欢的图书的EPUB。
a SafariBooksOnline downloader that generates respective .epub books for offline and kindle reading
O'Books 📚✨ Download books from O'Reilly | Safaribooks
Safari Books Online Video Downloder Extension to Google Chrome
A SafariBooksOnline downloader that generates .epub books for reading offline
#学习与技能提升#Examples and exercises for Safari Live Training course "Using Redux for managing state in complex React applications"
A very simple script for retrieving a list of book ID's from OReilly's online book library.
Note: This repo contains source code from lorenzodifuccia/safaribooksthe and Safari Books Online Library Index. Author: lorenzodifuccia **Please help fork and recreate the repo**
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