Demo code for running Ruby Sinatra on AWS Lambda
翻译 - 在AWS Lambda上运行Ruby Sinatra的演示代码
A simple Ruby UI for Chroma database.
An application to send faxes with the Twilio Fax API
Example app with SAML support, built with Ruby + Sinatra + SSOReady
Web application template using Ruby Sinatra, ActiveRecord and RSpec with Capybara
A simple mobile-only web app i built for my wife to keep track of her crochet projects.
This was built as a simple web app for my family and I to track our stats and score during a Fortnite competition.
A mobile only web app I built for my wife to keep track of her crochet projects. This is a demo version.
A simple book reading web app. Uses Ruby Sinatra on the backend. Implements a pretty nice search feature.
A file based content management system built using Ruby Sinatra and the Ruby File and IO classes on the backend. Used JavaScript to make a smooth Ui.
A todo list web app built using Ruby Sinatra. Data is stored using the session.
A mobile only web app I built to keep track of Fortnite stat. Allows players to add stats and compare stats to each other.
Simple dice rolling and card-drawing application with Ruby Sinatra.