Powerful context menu manager for Windows File Explorer
Simple, easily and diversity menu solution
Fix OneDrive Zip files >4Gig
破解网页各种限制:可以破解无法选中和复制文本的限制,移除粘贴文本时的小尾巴,恢复网页右键和F12,兼容99%的网站。Remove webpage restrictions: restore the selection and copy of text, clear the text tail, and restore the right-click menu.
Right Click Windows Magic is an open-source set of right-click (context) menu tools for admins, power users and other magic beings. Batch&Powershell.
Configuration files needed to set up right-click shortcut in context menus for MSYS2, MinGW32/64 bash
Handcraft your very own context menus for a richer UX!
:bowtie: ✨ Context menu for React
Extended context menu tools for Windows
Right click context menu for Angular 2+
Tiny and customizable context menu generator
Right click on a folder / file and send it to your preconfigured rclone (GDrive) remote in Windows
A simple JavaScript library, to display custom contextmenus (right-click)
A free JavaScript plugin to create custom right click context menus.
Add commands to get a hash string of a file to context menu of Windows Explorer.
An easy and flexible addon to add context menus anywhere in your application
🖱️ A DataTables javascript plugin for adding context menus and buttons to your selected rows
A custom React Hook that allows you to place custom context menu(s) (right click menu) throughout your codebase.