Javascript URL mutation library
翻译 - Javascript URL突变库
Addressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It is flexible, offers heuristic parsing, and additionally provides extensive support fo...
翻译 - Addressable是URI实现的替代实现,它是Ruby标准库的一部分。它非常灵活,提供启发式解析,并且还为IRI和URI模板提供了广泛的支持。
[READ-ONLY] URI manipulation Library
PHP URI Template (RFC 6570) supports both URI expansion & extraction
Extract and decompose (fuzzy) URLs (including emails, which are conceptually a part of URLs) in texts with Area-Pattern-based modularity
A type to represent, query, and manipulate a Uniform Resource Identifier.
Match a URI to a template from a collection of URI Templates
Robust and performant Swift implementation of RFC6570 URI Template
URI Templates expansion and reverse-matching for C++
Converts GTFS-RT to Linked Connections
Pragmatical access to your Rails routes as RFC6570 URI templates.
Test if a URI matches a given URI template (RFC6570)
Vue.js + URI.js = a URI Templates playground
An RFC6570 implementation, nimble_parsec based
A Typescript implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
👽 🧭 A PHP library for conveniently managing URL components, offering features for easily processing hostnames, ports, schemes, and more, making it an intuitive solution for working with ...