🎯 HackerTarget ToolKit - Tools And Network Intelligence To Help Organizations With Attack Surface Discovery 🎯
翻译 - 🎯HackerTarget ToolKit-帮助组织进行攻击面发现的工具和网络情报🎯
#网络爬虫#Gorecon is a All in one Reconnaissance Tool , a.k.a swiss knife for Reconnaissance , A tool that every pentester/bughunter might wanna consider into their arsenal
A wrapper around tools used for subdomain enumeration, to automate the workflow, on a given domain, written in bash.
Discover related domains using Whois data from whoxy.com
DNS server made in Go with SQL & Redis backend.
A minimalist-configuration reverse DNS name server
Reversino is a tool for finding subdomains from IP ranges or CIDR subnets.
nx generates static files like BIND zonefiles based on Netbox data
rDNS is a reverse DNS lookup utility, using which you can figure out the hostname associated with an IP address.
Revlookup is a tool written in Python3 that performs Reverse DNS on IPs to identify subdomains and new applications
NetRecon ToolKit - Tools And Network Intelligence To Help Organizations With Attack Surface Discovery.
Automating DNS and Reverse DNS Lookups with optional reporting. Python script that functions like a CLI tool to perform both DNS and Reverse DNS lookups from either a single entry or in bulk from a li...
ptr is a Go script that allows you to find hostnames by ip addresses. Reverse IP lookup by resolving the PTR record.
🌎 The poor 👨🦱 man's dyndns. 🦍 It calls an endpoint under your control regularly and comes with a systemd service template. Plays well with: https://github.com/4thel00z/webhookd