Readsb is a Mode-S/ADSB/TIS decoder for RTLSDR, BladeRF, Modes-Beast and GNS5894 devices. Future development version with protocol buffer storage.
Multi-arch tar1090 container for visualising ADSB data
Feeds ADS-B data into Designed to work with mikenye/readsb-protobuf.
Combine data from multiple ADS-B receivers into one readsb decoder / tar1090 webinterface
✈️ Notifies via Telegram when an aircraft passes over a certain area.
A decoder library for readsb *.binCraft files for python
An MQTT client that reads statistics in protocol-buffer format from readsb ADS-B decoder and forward them via MQTT broker into home assistant (HASS).
A powerful small and light utility that captures data from the Flarm OGN (Open Glider Network) and transforms it into a Basestation SBS stream
Docker Flighttracker with dump1090, dump978, readsb, readsb-web, fr24feed, adsb2influx, uat2esnt
A Python CLI for the ADSBExchange and ReadSB ADSB Tracking Package on Raspberry Pi
Golang tool to connect to ADS-B receivers like readsb or dump1090, or services like ADS-B Hub via SBS protocol and dump data to files.
Client-side feeder to forward ADS-B & MLAT data to Decentrafly