🎨 React application prototyping tool for developers and designers 🏗️
翻译 - :art:针对开发人员和设计人员的React应用程序原型工具:building_construction:
💡 AI를 통한 회의록 기반 자동 마인드맵 생성 서비스 💡
#前端开发#React-Konva app to create moodboard with images
Chrome extension to annotate webpages, capture and save full page screenshots 🚀
Profile Picture frame generator for various themes and festive
A whiteboard web app
Extend Konva's functionality to export stages as SVG. Enhance the quality of exported images with SVG format.
使用 React + Next.js + Konva + Ant Design 开发的图片编辑器
Portal API support for react-konva
React-Konva drawing app with undo redo funcionalities on PUBG Erangel Map
MindJam - A collaborative mindmap app built on React, React-Konva and Socket.io
Custom canvas elements for react-konva as used in mediabits.io
Experimental personal learning project - Building a web whiteboard to draw mind-maps or mock-ups
A white boarding application with Real-time collaboration.