Freeze (package) Python programs into stand-alone executables
翻译 - 将Python程序冻结(打包)成独立的可执行文件
Guitar tuner program made with Python, Tkinter and PyAudio.
Captcha Solving Service is a mock-up SaaS that allows users to send their captcha images and receive solutions in simple text format. Project is divided into 4 parts. Scraping datasets for machine lea...
A minimal template for creating a wxPython GUI application and compiling it into an *.app (for OS X) / *.exe (for MS Windows) with py2app, py2exe, cx_freeze and PyInstaller.
#大语言模型#Coeus is an A.I. Computing Assistant for MacOS that can answer just about any question you may have reading back the responses if you choose. It also creates realtime images using A.I., all by leverag...
py2app is a hassle-free, command-line-tool that allows you to easily convert Python projects to Mac OS Applications in a single line of code.
A mac desktop utility app that moves all screenshots into a folder on your desktop
⏳ A Simple mac status bar app that displays the local time in NY,LA, and London
Generate Python executables for multiple platforms
It's a offline password manager Desktop Application with is very much secure because it is offline