Protocol Buffer Validation - Being replaced by
翻译 - protoc插件生成多语种消息验证器
The TypeScript implementation of Connect: Protobuf RPC that works.
Protocol Buffers for ECMAScript. The only JavaScript Protobuf library that is fully-compliant with Protobuf conformance tests.
gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc
Compile protocol buffer messages to TypeScript.
Plugin for generating OpenAPIv3 from protobufs matching the Connect RPC interface
protoc plugin to generate to Go's net/http converter
Library for writing protoc plugins in Go; also includes a pure-Go protoc replacement
A starter kit for building protoc plugins. Rather than write your own, you can just use an existing one.
GRPC SQL and Spanner persistence layer
A protoc compiler plugin for Clojure applications
Generate GORM v2 Models and APIs from your .proto files.
Conjures up convenient OCaml types and serialization functions based on protobuf definition files
EXPERIMENTAL work to automatically generate graphql server as aggregate server to serve gRPC backed service
A protoc plugin for implementing uber-go/zap zapcore.ObjectMarshaler interface on proto messages
Enforcing CEL validation rules with protobuf annotations
Protoc plugin to generate postgresql statement from protobuf files.
protoc-gen-openapi is a plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler to generate openAPI V3 spec for any given input protobuf.
Protoc plugin to generate sanitization methods from protobuf messages.