📄 Universal rendering for Preact: render JSX and Preact components to HTML.
preact wrapper for "Material Components for the web"
翻译 - “用于网络的材料组件”的预先包装
⚛️ Legacy repo for the fantastically simple tagging component for your React projects (legacy repo)
➿ Preact integration for Redux (no shim needed!)
⚡ Render HTML5 as VDOM, with Components as Custom Elements!
🛰️ Render Preact components in (a) SPACE 🌌 🌠
⚙️ State machine -powered components in 250 bytes
🕳 Render Preact trees into other Preact trees, like portals.
Some simple patterns for Typescript usage with Preact
♻️ Minimal functional Virtual DOM rendering using Preact 🚲
🕴 Render a Preact subtree into the Shadow DOM.
Minimalistic translate (i18n) library for Preact
🔖 A text field that tokenizes input, for things like tags.
React/preact wrapper for Algolia Places
📺 Named views for Preact, with easy-as-pie linking between them.
Easy asynchronous loading for your router components. For 440B.
A fork of React-Motion to be used with Preact
A console emulator for preact.