Everything search plugin for PowerToys Run
一个 PowerToys Run 的翻译插件/a translate plugin for PowerToys Run
#Awesome#🗂️🔎 Delightful PowerToys Run community plugins 🔌
Winget plugin for PowerToys Run
#搜索#This is a simple PowerToys Run plugin for quickly select a specific search engine to perform searches.
#区块链#PowerToys Run plugin which will convert real and crypto currencies.
PowerToys Run plugin to search your browser history
GitHub Emoji for C#, ASP.NET Core and Blazor, dotnet tool for the terminal and PowerToys Run plugin
PowerToys Run Plugin for killing processes
Simple PowerToys Run experimental plugin for search Microsoft Edge favorites
PowerToys Run Plugin for searching and opening GitHub repositories
PowerToys Run plugin for typing the input text as if it was sent from a keyboard.
PowerToys Run plugin manager
Scoop plugin for PowerToys Run
Simple PowerToys Run experimental plugin for search Visual Studio recents
A plugin help you to copy your two-factor verify code in Powertoys Run
Template for PowerToysRun Plugin in Visual Studio
🗂️🔎 Community PowerToys Run Plugins 🔌
PowerToys Run plugin for connecting to ssh clients