This is probably the best web presentation tool so far!
翻译 - 到目前为止,这可能是最好的Web演示工具!
PostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins
⚡️Blazing fast js bbcode parser, that transforms and parses bbcode to AST and transform it to HTML, React, Vue with plugin support in pure javascript, no dependencies
Use variables, JS-like expressions, and even markup-powered logic in your HTML.
A platform for finding dependencies between files and building tools for incremental compilation or build.
Шаблон для верстки. Используется SCSS, PostHTML и автоматическая генерация SVG спрайтов
A posthtml plugin to beautify you html files. Online service -
Svelte Rollup template with file name hashing and HTML minification
Example for rendering beautiful emails with dynamic content using TailwindCSS
Makes writing Outlook conditionals in HTML emails easy.
A PostHTML plugin for creating components with HTML-friendly syntax inspired by Laravel Blade. Slots, stack/push, props, custom tag and much more.
Seamless integration between Rollup and PostHTML, and rendering template properties.