Amazing Free Pokétwo Assistant that identifies Pokémons from Pokétwo spawns, pings a role if a legendary spawns and pins them, pings you if your Shiny Hunt Pokémon spawns and other features like Quest...
翻译 - 惊人的免费 Pokétwo 助手,可从 Pokétwo 产卵中识别 Pokémons,如果传奇产卵并钉住它们,则 ping 一个角色,如果您的 Shiny Hunt Pokémon 产卵和 Quest Ping 等其他功能,则 ping 你!每个功能都是自动化的。
NPM package to automatically solve hints & check the rarity of pokemon, made for pokemon discord bots like Pokétwo
An Amazing Self-hostable FOSS Pokémon assist and more bot for the discord game "Poketwo".
Best PokeTwo Catcher , Made By - Ninja.69 You Can Easily Use It , It Is Updated
A script to auto-complete events for the new 4th anniversary event!