A censorship circumvention tool to evade detection by authoritarian state adversaries
翻译 - 一种审查规避工具,可逃避对州对手的侦查
Shapeshifter Dispatcher converts Pluggable Transports that implement the Go API from the Pluggable Transports 2.1 specification into proxies usable by applications. Several proxy modes are provided, i...
Pluggable Transports Python interface & standalone tunnels
Shapeshifter Transports is a set of Pluggable Transports implementing the Go API from the Pluggable Transports 2.0 specification
WebAssembly Transport Executables Runtime
Moonbounce is graphical user interface for using an OpenVPN client and server with Pluggable Transport support. The goal of Moonbounce is to provide a usability-focused, streamlined user experience to...
Proteus: Programmable Protocols for Censorship Circumvention
A deep packet inspection (DPI) framework for benchmarking the covertness of protocol-obfuscation proxies.
HTTPS-based Pluggable Transport for Tor
A Tor Pluggable Transport that shields Tor users from passive and active correlation attacks by employing WebRTC-based covert channels and K-anonymization.
WebRTC Pluggable Transport
Shapeshifter IPC is a library for Go implementing the IPC protocol from the Pluggable Transports 2.0 specification.
My fork of https://gitweb.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake.git
UPSTREAM is https://git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/goptlib
UPSTREAM https://git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/meek.git
A custom tap for things that are not in homebrew
An example iOS application to demonstrate one way to use the Canary Library for iOS. Canary is a tool for testing transport connections and recording the results in an easy to share csv format.
A library for building tor pluggable transports in Rust.