💾 Configurable persistence and rehydration of Pinia stores.
🍹 The smart data fetching layer for Pinia
The Pinia plugin to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Pinia Store.
Time-travel debugging for Pinia, Vue's official state management library.
#安卓#A Vue 💚 production ready 🤩 template for building bleeding edge 😎 web apps for all platforms 🔥
⚡️ Vue3, Vuetify3, Vite3, , Pinia, State Persistence, Pages, Layouts, Auto Import ['components, libs, plugins] , Macros, CSS Shortcuts, Themes, Firebase Authentication, VueJS best practices.
A pinia plugin like vuex-persistedstate.
A production ready 🌟 starter template for projects with ionic-vue 😍 , linting, formatter etc pre-configured 🤩.
[WIP] 🍍 The easiest way to watch for your Pinia State.
Pinia state persistence and hydration using unstorage
Store Vue 3 Store data in the browser LocalStorage
A Vue frontend for RESTful Rails API backend to book an appointment with a doctor.