💌 Mail app for Nextcloud
翻译 - 💌 Nextcloud 的邮件应用程序
PHPMailer < 5.2.18 Remote Code Execution exploit and vulnerable container
A powerful PHP email spoofer with a polished UI, rich text editor, and multiple sending options.
The Official Pepipost PHP API library
PHP to send unlimited emails to unlimited recipients using mcMAIL SMTP without block and spam
Demostración para enviar un archivo adjunto por correo usando PHP y phpmailer
File sharing platform, in particular for music
Wrapper for Mailguns PHP API-client
A drop-in replacement for sendmail to use SMTP. It's quick and easy with minimal configuration and a built in setup wizard.
There is an example how can you add smtp relay to your php mail() function to send mail with smtp protocol.
#UI框架#Projeto inicial com base no curso de Web Design
LP - Custom styles for HTML form elements
Simple PHP app to manage trainees presentations exams using MVC framework.