Link Discord and Minecraft accounts
Discord modmail bot for Floor Gang server.
A discord bot that display the sub gap between PewDiePie and TSeries
⚡⚡ Almost real-time subscribers counter for T-Series vs PewDiePie battle, directly from command line!
python script to see pewdiepie and t-series sub count and sub gap from the terminal
Doing our part to defeat T-Series and help PewDiePie get the bread!
A place where dead memes rest in peace
Displays the difference between PewDiePie and T-Series' sub counts
Flutter app to watch LIVE count of subscriber of PewDiePie vs T-Series
A website that shows you subscriber and view count comparison of the third and second most subscribed-to channels on youtube.
Chrome addon to delete like button so you dont accidentally click on it. Ahead of its time.
Sentiment analysis on T-series vs Pewdiepie Tweets
Youtube clone made using react
design and code a youtube live subscriber counter for the prevailing champion, pewds and challenger, T-Series 📹
Code from the YouTube video. Destroying T-Series with the magic of JavaScript!