Web-app for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data
翻译 - Web应用程序,用于处理,记录和可视化能量,温度和其他环境数据
Multiple phase DIY energy consumption monitor using ESP32 and ESPHome
ESP8266 WiFi for OpenEVSE Version 2.x
My Thesis for the School of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Based on the OpenEnergyMonitor systems, a small variation with communication over Ethernet.
Solar panel monitor display
🔌Interface library for working with emonCMS energy monitoring data
OpenEnergyMonitor EmonTX Shield using an ESP8266 to transmit data to EmonCMS rather than the traditional RFM69CW RF Module
Open Energy Monitor JeeLib Classic RFM69Pi using a Moteino with RFM69CW Radio