An awesome list of statistical software for creating and accessing official statistics
STADATA is a Python package that simplifies access to statistical data provided by BPS - Statistics Indonesia
FormGear is a framework engine for dynamic form creation and complex form processing and validation for data collection.
Access UK official statistics from the Nomis database through R.
🥇🏆🏅 KnowAIS project won first place and Best Visualization in The UN Big Data Hackathon 2022 Big Data Expert Track.
The ONS Big Data Team Github pages
Download raw data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System and prepare it for research.
Gustave: a User-oriented Statistical Toolkit for Analytical Variance Estimation
R package for access to open data distributed through the APIs of the Canary Islands Statistical Data and Metadata Infrastructure (eDatos)
An R package for calculating generalized price and quantity indexes
#时序数据库#R codes and dataset for the estimation of the high-dimensional state space model proposed in the paper "A dynamic factor model approach to incorporate Big Data in state space models for official stati...
A python package for accessing the official statistics of Japan.
CRAN Task View: Official Statistics & Survey Statistics
An R package for sequential Poisson sampling
Access 'Stat-Xplore' data on the UK benefits system
QGIS plugin for accessing open-data, distributed through the APIs of the Canary Islands Data Infrastructure and Statistical Metadata (eDatos)
UNECE HLG-MOS Synthetic Data Challenge (TEAM DESTATIS)