🍂 Multipurpose homebrew tool for Nintendo Switch
翻译 - N Nintendo Switch的多用途自制工具
Generates XCI/NSP/HFS0/ExeFS/RomFS/Certificate/Ticket dumps from Nintendo Switch gamecards and installed SD/eMMC titles.
Android Tinfoil/Awoo/GoldLeaf files uploader
Nintendo Switch NRO to NSP Forwarder
The goal of this project is to provide additional features on top of the existing npm audit options
天池阿里灵杰问天引擎电商搜索算法赛非官方 baseline,又名 NLP 从入门到 22/2771。
Tinshop is your own personal shop compatible with tinfoil
MacOS Split Nintendo Switch NSP to FAT32 friendly sizes.
An HSM simulator implemented in Java, ANSI X9, 3DES, DUKPT, etc..
Slim Docker image featuring embedded Nut server from blawar/nut latest release that works for most.
Extract thumbnails and other meta data from NSP files