Collection of most awesome node modules that will extend the capability of your node.js application.
Build a MERN Stack App from scratch, and deploy it to Heroku
NEW VERSION HERE RESTful API Nodejs designed for horizontal scalability with support for cluster, based on Express, MongoDB, Redis, JWT,, Passport.
📦 Full E-commerce with backend and frontend. The stack contains Handlebars, Node.js, MongoDB, HTML and CSS. This project alive since 2018.
A node.js sample application that demonstrates an architecture for building a complete production API with Node.JS, Express.JS and MongoDB
MongoDB and TypeScript MEAN Stack Framework for NodeJS
A crypto exchange with nodejs, nestjs, redis, bullmq, mongodb and reactjs
Omegle / Chatroulette clone
Angular 10, node express Ecommerce Application with NGRX state management
A product rating system using MongoDB and Node.js
Dulce-API é a API do aplicativo Dulce,desenvolvida em node.js para planejamento e execução de escalas
Backend API code for the LMS Front End Repo
Learning path for becoming nodejs developer from zero to hero. These series includes steps to become nodejs developers for beginner to experienced developers
MEAN Stack User Registration Using Node JS