Theming .NET WinForms, C# or VB.Net, to Google's Material Design Principles.
翻译 - 将.NET WinForms,C#或VB.Net主题化为Google的材料设计原则。
DockPanel Suite - The Visual Studio inspired docking library for .NET WinForms
Dark themed control and docking library for .NET WinForms.
An Office Ribbon Control for .NET WinForms
翻译 - NET WinForms的Office功能区控件
[My very first significant piece of software I've written while in highschool] SQL Script Generator is a SQL code generator database building tool, aiming to reduce time of coding and debugging, spee...
Interest calculator application
Traffic Light Simulation Project
A small database first project which stores data from the Movie Database(TMDb) using JSON Data, SQL Server Management Studio and ASP.Net WinForms. JSON files are imported in SQL Server Database using ...