#前端开发#Proyecto web asociado al "Calendario de aDEViento" de la comunidad. Una actividad en la que del 1 al 24 de diciembre se sortea un regalo relacionado con el aprendizaje de programación y desarrollo de ...
#区块链#Real world example of a full-stack Ethereum web app for supporting minting of NFT's from a collection using Tailwind, NextJS an nes.css. Contracts are written in Solidity with the help of HardHat.
Interactive application with pedigree chart, paginated search features, and automated Instagram posts for Inky Doodle characters
A multiplayer cooperative card game based on standard 52-deck and jokers. Based on the board game Regicide.
react ui-components with nes.css
Jigsaw Puzzle Game made with Javascript. Image for puzzle can be uploaded by user and after splited to different amount of pieces depended from difficulty level the user selected
My website-built with React.js, Bootstrap, NES.css
A frontend heavy single player pokemon game in react.
React AI detection app to detect melanomas and other forms of skin cancer.
retro styled portfolio made using nextjs and nescss
In questo articolo imparerai come creare una To-Do List utilizzando il framework PHP Laravel e la libreria CSS NES.CSS.
.NET Framework EF Auto CRUD using NES.css styles
MyPokedex, buscá tu pokemon!
My fun 8bit portfolio website built in next.js, using tailwind and nes css.
A static portfolio website developed by 11ty and NES CSS