C# x64 operating system programming with the .NET native ahead-of-time compilation technology.
SpreadCheetah is a high-performance .NET library for generating spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel XLSX) files.
ComWrappers required to run NativeAOT and WinForms
🐜 Extremely small standalone C# executables using NativeAOT
The next generation Minecraft launcher core written in C# providing the freest, fastest and the most complete experience.
A place to learn about and experiment with .NET NativeAOT on AWS.
Windows Kernel Driver Development in C# with Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
Helper scripts for analyzing NativeAOT compiled .NET binaries with Ghidra
Avalonia Native AOT Templete. Smaller size, lower memory usage and faster startup speed.
Generates data access using stored procedures
Bringing kernel driver to C# with NativeAOT (Surpassed by https://github.com/ZeroLP/WDK.NET)
Automated .NET SDKs for your APIs
NativeAOT assisted native .NET DLL injection
#安全#Compile time string encryption with NativeAOT