High-level image processing wrapper for libvips and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
翻译 - libvips和ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick的高级图像处理包装器
👻 Create screenshots or previews of web pages
Utility tasks for processing collection data with Wax 🐝
A gem that provides real-time stats from opponents you are actually playing against at a Fortnite match.
Cut down your assets/images to web-friendly sizes
The Photo Gallery is a web application for photographers with Geo location features.
A two-sided video streaming marketplace platform, featuring credit card payment capabilities, user role management, complex user interfaces, and advanced database relationships.
Instagram clone with the Test Driven Development approach.
The My Nomad Life API is a back-end rails application for MyNomadLife application.
Make catpix compatible with MiniMagick instead of RMagick.
This full-stack Ruby on Rails webapp allows users to log in and post their favorite recipes online!
Photo application developed with Ruby on Rails 7 to learn about email, Custom payment functionality and file uploads.