PowerShell examples for articles published on https://office365itpros.com and https://practical365.com. See https://o365itpros.gumroad.com/l/M365PS for the Automating Microsoft 365 with PowerShell eBo...
Microsoft Graph Library for PHP.
翻译 - 用于 PHP 的 Microsoft 图形库。
The PnP Core SDK is a modern .NET SDK designed to work for Microsoft 365. It provides a unified object model for working with SharePoint Online and Teams which is agnostic to the underlying API's bein...
A gallery of sample scripts to manage all things Microsoft 365 in Bash or PowerShell using tools like PnP PowerShell, CLI for Microsoft 365, Graph SDK and many more.
Microsoft Graph Ruby client library for v1 APIs
Archived - use the TokenCredential classes provided by Azure.Identity. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/overview/azure/identity-readme
PowerShell-based CLI for automating and exploring the Microsoft Graph API.
Simple single-page JavaScript app for editing text files
Code samples and demos for Azure and Microsoft 365.
Tools to make a sys admin's life a little easier....
How to consume Microsoft Graph API using Azure AD authentication in .NET Core
Use Microsoft Auth Library to login to Microsoft Graph API using AAD V2 (either personal MSA or organization login credentials) on #HoloLens. Also includes device flow which is useful for HoloLens to ...
This VSCode extension allows you to auto-complete the Microsoft Graph API URLs you are writing. You get the most useful Microsoft Graph Explorer functionality in your favorite editor.
Think of this PS-module as a helper for Microsoft Graph version-management, connectivity and data management using Microsoft Graph.
Script for checking M365 health and send degradations to Teams and Telegram