A fast tool to mass scan for a vulnerability on Microsoft Exchange Server that allows an attacker bypassing the authentication and impersonating as the admin (CVE-2021-26855).
翻译 - 在Microsoft Exchange Server上的漏洞扫描漏洞的快速工具,允许攻击者绕过身份验证和冒充为管理员(CVE-2021-26855)。
ProxyLogon(CVE-2021-26855+CVE-2021-27065) Exchange Server RCE(SSRF->GetWebShell)
A C++11 header-only library for Microsoft Exchange Web Services
CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-26857, CVE-2021-26858, CVE-2021-27065
PowerShell scripts/snippets for Windows Server, Exchange, Office 365, and VMware
Script to export all rules of all mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange
Copy AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom users between distribution groups in Microsoft Exchnage Server
Advanced script for export old mailboxes from Microsoft Exchange Server to .pst files
Gestionnaire intelligent de capacité
A sample project that supports CRUD operations on appointments from Microsoft Exchange via EWS.
Exchange Cluster Node Maintenance Mode Utilities
Working with Microsoft Exchange Server via EWS (Exchange Web Services) using Powershell scripts