Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!
micro library for drag-n-drop scrolling style
#前端开发#Sierra SCSS library
翻译 - Sierra SCSS库
🎠 The 1kb JavaScript Carousel
Vanilla javascript form validation micro-library
LemonadeJS is a 7KB reactive JavaScript micro-library offering two-way data binding. It is dependency-free, does not require transpiling, and works with webpack or directly in the browser.
🌐 Minimalistic I18n library for Ruby
📑 Bringing the power and functionality of JavaScript, but with the readability of HTML.
A zero-dependency utility that returns a website's SSL certificate
Wrapper around URLSession and URLSessionTask to enable seamless integration with Operation / OperationQueue.
💅 Micro-library that writes stylesheets with a non-opinionated approach, free of dependencies, and in the easiest way possible.
Utilizes ES6 Proxies to easily observe and validate changes on nested objects.
Super lightweight jQuery-like DOM library using modern JavaScript features like property descriptors and ES5 array functions
An eclectic low-code vanilla JavaScript UX micro-library for those that defiantly think for themselves.
🏙 Extra tiny `srcset` attribute parser ~150B
Find a free local port (mainly) for testing purposes
A micro js library for formatting numbers with thousands separator
A fast and lightweight JavaScript Map and WeakMap polyfill microlibrary