A React wrapper for Material Design (Web) Components
Elm port of the Material Components for the Web CSS/JS library
Material Design styled components for Vue.js
翻译 - Vue.js的Material Design样式化组件
Sample or starter kit for developing web applications with reactjs, xstate, typescript, xstate/test, storybook, typedoc, fp-ts, and other libraries.
Aurelia wrapper for Material Design (Web) Components
Django widgets styled with Material Components for the Web
material design components for preact using material-components-web sass styles (for live demo click the link below)
Experimental Elm bindings to Material Components for the Web Webcomponents library
🎨 Materialize your forum with this Flarum extension that uses the latest guidelines.
Examples on how to use preact-mdc material design components.
React's full implemention of Google's Official Material Components Web
Customizable Material-themed Jekyll with Google's Material Design components for the web.
Combining Polythene and material-components-web (MDC-Web)
A web player for customized animation of satellite images, developed for ISRO as part of Smart India Hackathon 2018
Basic template for prototyping with Material Components for the Web
My personal GitHub pages website.
Material Components Web implemented in Pug
#编辑器#A simple browser-based Markdown editor with live preview
A Simple Svelte Starter App Showing How To Use Plain Material Design Web Components With Svelte