#区块链#51bitquant Python数字货币量化交易视频 CCXT框架 爬取交易所数据 比特币量化交易 交易机器人51bitquant tradingbot cryptocurrency quantitative trading btc trading
#区块链#Trading bot implemented in Rust, with market making and strategy automation for any exchange or blockchain.
This project is a Solana Market Maker Bot designed to automate trading strategies on the Solana blockchain using the Jupiter swap protocol.
command line utilities for cypher v3, including market making and liquidating
An algorithm that intelligently executes a crypto order over time via Coinbase
A marketmaker bot based on Broxus Nova for asynchronous orders placement in Nova's orderbook using different strategies and price feeds.
Market Maker Bot is mainly used by project dev in order to maintain their token volume (buy at every second to maintain graph) and keep the price look good.