🔍🀄️ Review mahjong game log with mjai-compatible mahjong AI.
雀魂牌谱屋 (See also: https://github.com/SAPikachu/amae-koromo-scripts )
A majsoul message hook based on mitmproxy.
A Robotic Process Automation (RPA) framework for Mahjong Soul (雀魂)
Dump, review and analyse one's MajSoul logs with Mortal AI at one command
Longhorn Riichi's club bot. Includes global commands that provide mahjong utilities.
Discord bot for Longhorn Riichi's recurring special tournament: UTA vs UTD.
This is a chrome extension that automatically sends Paihu to an AI-based analysis tool for Mahjong Soul
Scraper to get Mahjong Soul stickers from an HTML fragment