Input plugin for Logstash to stream events from CloudWatch Logs
Grok plugin to parse unstructured (log) data into something structured.
Implementation of ClickHouse output for logstash
翻译 - 实现Logtash的ClickHouse输出
Docker -> logstash input jdbc plugin for mysql database
This is a plugin for Logstash to fetch files from Azure Storage Accounts
IP2Location filter plugin for Logstash enables Logstash's users to add geolocation information such as country, state, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection spee...
Firewall log filter for Logstash to parse the filter events
Takes in scan reports from the GVM PostgreSQL Database and dump into Elasticsearch
Logstash output plugin that sends events to the Rollbar error monitoring service
A Logstash output that calls the Icinga API
#区块链#A Logstash input plugin for querying a blockchain
My logstash plugins. Filter: sig (for security detect -> IOC, sig, New value, Reference, link, frequence, ...). Output: alert created by filter sig, feed FIR (CERT SG)