#大语言模型#Talk to any LLM with hands-free voice interaction, voice interruption, and Live2D taking face running locally across platforms
应用于浏览器环境且开箱即用的Live2D组件, 它支持所有版本的Live2D模型, 使用方式足够简单并且高可自定义, 可以快速为您的个人网站添加Live2D看板娘, 使您的个人网站变得更具有特色.
#自然语言处理#❤️ Waifu On The Web: A web-based Artificial Intelligence with Natural Language Processing and a Live2D model (PoC)
live2D widget model collection, l2d-widget, live2d model 👖👕👔👗
VuePress集成Live2D看板娘. Live2D plugin for VuePress.
🤓vue typeScript jsx 工程示例
Cyber AI-Waife | 这是一个有灵魂的赛博女朋友 | Web-Live2D with ChatGLM and VITS
🎆 基于Vue3+elementUI-Plus+TypeScript+Axios+MetroUI+Less自用快速开发vue项目的模板
一个具有长时记忆 (包括对话内记忆、对话间记忆、自我概念、用户画像) 和 Live2d 形象的"数字生命" / A digital life with long-term memories (including within & between chat memory, self-concept and user portrait) and live2d body
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