#安全#🔥 MagLit - Privacy Respecting Encrypted Link Shortener with Password Protection and Torrent Magnet Links support
a url shortener with fastapi and tortoise-orm
Link Shortener is a free and useful service to create a short link then redirect to other links.
🔗 Personal link shortener that uses an NGINX-compatible map file as a config
Simple url shortener to reduce a long link. Used to shorten links/urls and then share them
bitlinks - url shortner , bitlinks is a platform for professionals to make their long URLs short and sweet so that they could be easily remembered
Telegram bot for shortening and unshortening URLs
A simple PHP class which inlcude the most link-shortener services.
AWS S3 Link Shortener
A simple C# .NET Standard library which includes most link-shortener services.
UseFull - Shorten Your Useful Links!
A golang link shortener that allows shortening a rather small amount of links and throws them away on shutdown.
🔗 Create shortened links and collect click-through statistics
This extension allows for easy, shortened URL link generation using a Chhoto URL server.
This is a link shortener based on Symfony 4 and PHP 7.2.
The most over engineered link shortener 🐙