🔥 LimeSurvey – A powerful, open-source survey platform. A free alternative to SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Qualtrics, and Google Forms, making it simple to create online surveys and forms with unmatched f...
翻译 - 网络上最流行的FOSS在线调查工具。
A Docker Image for LimeSurvey
LimeSurvey - the most popular Free Open Source Software survey tool on the web. This docker image easies LimeSurvey installation. It includes a MySQL database as well as a web server. This is the most...
A client to the LimeSurvey Remote Control API 2, written in modern Python.
A webshell plugin and interactive shell for pentesting a LimeSurvey application.
A Python 3 script for reading data from the LimeSurvey JSON API in a format that Power BI will understand
LimeSurvey Plugin to send AfterSurveyComplete notification to Telegram
Generate pdf inside your survey, mirror of gitlab repo : https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/ExportAndStats/pdfReport
Demo plugin : How to extend remote control
Mirror of https://gitlab.com/SondagesPro/mailing/sendMailCron
A LimeSurvey question template that allows collecting a signature