💌 Template website undangan pernikahan sederhana dengan Bootstrap, AOS, Fontawsome, Normalize, Confetti, Google Fonts, dan Vanilla JS.
Decentralized authentication and authorization for team collaboration, using a secure chain of cryptological signatures. (Formerly known as 🌮 Taco.)
Wedding Invitation Landing Page - Pernikahan Sherly & Daeng
Our wedding | Rayhan Yulanda & Maulidan Nashuha
MAINTANER REQUIRED: User (signup) invitation package for laravel
A wedding invite made by me. Just replace photos and host at any free hosting service and you are ready to go
A rest extension for django-invitations
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A lightweight Laravel package to create iCalendar/ICS files. Send new event invitations, update already sent invite or cancel already sent invitation.
The Official Home of Wizarr, your Media Management Software
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