Write your own virtual machine for the LC-3 computer!
翻译 - 为LC-3计算机编写自己的虚拟机!
implementation of git.io/2048 written in LC-3 assembly, an educational computer architecture
Extensible LC-3 Simulator (GUI and CLI), Assembler, and Autograder/Test Framework written in C++. Mainly used in CS2110 at Georgia Tech
implementation of the LC-3 virtual machine, an educational computer architecture
LC-3 (Little Computer 3) VM implemented in Rust
Roguelike tunnel generator in LC3 assembly. (Homework)
An LC-3 virtual machine written in Rust for learning purposes.
implementation of the LC-3 virtual machine, an educational computer architecture
An LC3 VM in typescript running on nodejs
Verification of a 5 stage LC3 pipelined CPU with System Verilog and Mentor Graphics ModelSim