Handle roles and permissions in your Laravel application
翻译 - 在Laravel应用程序中处理角色和权限
BlogerDay - Web Projects Build By Laravel Framework This WebSite With Admin Panel can Create, Update and Delete, Post, Admin, Tags, Images, Category and Gallary and Whene Create New Post You Can Choos...
[NEW!] Auth JWT Multirole + CRUD, Searching, Pagination, Showing with Laravel React Vite and Template admin stisla!
[NEW!] Auth JWT Multirole + CRUD, Searching, Pagination, Showing with Laravel React Vite and Template admin stisla!
MoviesApp SPA Project Used [Laravel & Nuxtjs]
This is a professional blog site with laravel 5.8. Here I used ACL- Access Control Layer with laratrust package to secure the backend. This blog allows multiple users to contribute. This is a awesome ...
Boiler Plate Code for implementing laratrust in a Laravel Project
The eCommerce Single Admin WebApp is a powerful platform tailored for small businesses
Project Laravel 11 dengan Livewire 3, Template Admin Stisla, dan Multi Auth menggunakan Laratrust serta Aktif/Non-aktif akun. Have Fun ^_^
nDolish is an innovative ecommerce 🛍️
Laravel-restApi ile ürün ve kategori crud işlemlerinin yapıldığı,role-permission kullanıldığı küçük bir proje
A project for CSE470: Software Engineering Course. Followed MVC pattern
A Laravel based fully functional Restful API with custom commands and best coding practices of laravel.