#IOS#Kingfisher 是一个实现异步下载和缓存图片的 Swift 库
Swift5 精仿漫画类App(有妖气漫画),Moya+SwiftyJSON+HandyJSON网络框架和数据解析。数据来源真实接口获得
PhotoSlider is a simple photo slider and can delete slider with swiping.
#IOS#Reactive extension for the Kingfisher image downloading and caching library
#IOS#A high performance Swift library for downloading, caching and editing web images asynchronously.
A sample iOS app written in Swift using the VIPER architecture.
#IOS#🌱 모여봐요 동물의 숲 게임을 위한 Wiki 앱
iOS를 뒤집어보겠습니다! 으으으읏! 얍! (╯°□°)╯︵ SOᴉ
#IOS#🌥️👕 핏프티에서 날씨에 어울리는 코디 추천을 받아보세요.
UIKit, Clean-Architecture, MVVM-C, Combine, FlexLayout, PinLayout, UnitTest, Kingfisher, Tuist
一个基于Swift5、SwiftUi、CocoaPods、 RxSwift、Moya、Swinject、RxTheme、Kingfisher、FLEX、KafkaRefresh等前沿技术搭建的MVVM架构IOS客户端
대덕소프트웨어마이스터고등학교 취업 지원 서비스 JOBIS_v2
#IOS#Final project of IOS Bootcamp
#IOS#A simple, lightweight instant messaging application for iOS
#IOS#iOS e-commerce app that takes online shopping to the whole new level