🎯 React UI animation made easy
翻译 - 🎯React UI动画变得简单
🚀 Awesome Library of CSS3 animations 🎉
Unlock the Road to Adventure with Our Car Rental Service! The ultimate solution for hassle-free car rentals! With a wide range of vehicles to choose from, our user-friendly interface simplifies the pr...
#前端开发#A CSS animation of a New Retro Wave sunset.
search cinema(routing training )
In this fun project, when the user double-clicks on the image, a heart appears, grows, and disappears. CSS animations and JavaScript are used for this colorful and interactive effect.
Meu linktree feito com algumas animações no CSS, usando o Keyframes-Animation.
BARF. Адаптивная верстка, меню-бургер, гугл-шрифт, семантические теги, препроцессор, JS, @keyframes, кастомный чекбокс.
Rental Service App with React
@OpenClassrooms Front End Developer Path - Project 3 Oh My Food
Software que simula CRUD no cadastro de clientes
Animate your list items with this simple library
#前端开发#Rotating Spin Words | HTML5 | CSS3 | Keyframes | Frontend
T!PE is an game to learn how to type quickly and the geometric shapes. It was developed with Vanilla Javascript, DOM manipulation, and extensive use of CSS animations.
Globetrotting Shutterbug 2023 : See the Beauty of the World Through My Lens
This is a Landing Page for VERVE (2018-19) fest organized by Vidyalnakar Institute of Technology.
A fun Car Animation File made using only HTML and CSS (@keyframes)
CSS Animation Hack with Keyframes and JavaScript: Elevate Your Web Design
Explore um cenário encantador que celebra o espírito natalino!