Kubebuilder - SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs
翻译 - Kubebuilder-用于使用CRD构建Kubernetes API的SDK
Official Python client library for kubernetes
翻译 - Kubernetes的官方Python客户端库
Repo for the controller-runtime subproject of kubebuilder (sig-apimachinery)
翻译 - kubebuilder的控制器运行时子项目的仓库(sig-apimachinery)
apiserver-builder-alpha implements libraries and tools to quickly and easily build Kubernetes apiservers/controllers to support custom resource types based on APIServer Aggregation
Tools to use with the controller-runtime libraries
A toolkit for building declarative operators with kubebuilder
OpenAPI based generated Go Client for Kubernetes
Haskell client for the kubernetes API. A work in progress.
Test cases and implementation for "server-side apply"
Shared code for kubernetes core components
Libraries for implementing aggregated apiservers
This repo is intended to contain common public library code for kube-controller-manager, cloud-controller-manager as well as any other controller managers which people build.
clientgofix rewrites calls to old k8s.io/client-go methods to use newer invocations
Kubernetes Cluster API Provider for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Read-only tool to check metadata.ownerReferences.
Golang JSON decoder supporting case-sensitive, number-preserving, and strict decoding use cases
Perl(5) client library for Kubernetes. Work In Progress.
Release tooling for KubeBuilder projects.