#安全#An implementation of JOSE standards (JWE, JWS, JWT) in Go
翻译 - Go中JOSE标准(JWE,JWS,JWT)的实现
JSON Web Token and its family (JSON Web Signature, JSON Web Encryption and JSON Web Key) in Ruby
Ultra lightweight, dependency free and standalone JSON web token (JWT) library for PHP5.6 to PHP8.4+. This library makes JWT a cheese. It is a minimal JWT integration for PHP.
#安卓#(Android) Hide encrypted secret API keys in C/C++ code, retrieve and decrypt them via JNI. Google SafetyNet APIs example.
A PHP library for JSON web tokens (JWT) with signature (JWS) and encryption (JWE) support.
JSON/JWK/JWS/JWT/Base64 library in SPARK
JSON Web Token implementation for Java according to RFC 7519. Easily create, parse and validate JSON Web Tokens using a fluent API.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) server to server communication with Node.js servers
A command line program that offer number of tools for JWT using JWS and JWE
#安卓#A JSON Web Token (JWT) / JSON Web Signature (JWS) implementation for Android
A minimal JSON Web Token library that is built on top of RustCrypto and ring.
Verifiable Credentials with JSON Web Signatures
Library to assist with generating JWT tokens for use with the Nexmo API.
Json Web Token implementation library
A library for generating and validating JSON Web Signatures.
A library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature.
RFC 7515 JSON Web Signature (JWS) implementation for NodeJS in TypeScript